Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Few Tidbits for Your Consideration:

Ok, I've been slacking on sharing what I've been reading and I'll try and make up for it.

First is The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan.  It's volume one of the Kane Chronicles, a new series that's about Egyptian mythology.  Riordan is also responsible for the Percy Jackson series of books that focus on Greek myths.  I have to put it out there that I love love love mythology. Give it to me any day.

The Red Pyramid follows Carter & Sadie Kane on their adventures to find their dad after he disappeared in an explosion at the British Museum on Christmas Day.  Oh, and they destroy the Rosetta Stone.  Yeah, that's in the first few chapters.  The story keeps going from there and we pick up some great supporting characters that I'm excited to get back to in the next installment (The Throne of Fire, and yes, it might be sitting on a table in my house waiting for me to pick it up.) I like reading is books - they're easy, entertaining and you might pick up a few tidbits of knowledge.  He's also great at creating pictures with his words and I love that.  It's on my 'You should read this list' and possibly a guilty pleasure for me. Oh, I actually didn't read this book. I listened to it on audio book and it was fabulous. I loved the two performers who did Carter and Sadie's voices.  I kinda wish I had the second one to listen to instead of read.

Up next is another Rick Riordan novel - The Lost Hero.  It's a new series but it also ties in with the Percy Jackson series.  Percy is missing and Annabeth is on the warpath to find him.  She stumbles across three half-bloods trying to get themselves killed at the Grand Canyon.  Jason, Piper and Leo finally make alive to Camp Half Blood in New York only to leave shortly after they get there on a quest to rescue Hera because she's been imprisoned by an unknown force. You know the drill if you've ever read another Riordan book. He takes us to locations all over North America and we meet several mystical being and minor deities. I'd also classify this one in the just fun to read pile.  You know you want to.

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher is an interesting book.  I really don't know how to describe or place it.  It's Young Adult but it's not fluffy and uber romantic like Twilight etc.  I guess you could describe it at dystopian.  It follows Finn who is locked in Incareron, an ideal prison and closed system to reform it's 'residents' and Claudia who is the daughter of the Warden of Incareron and set to marry the heir in a power play by her father. Claudia's world is shaped by the Protocol, an edict by a previous ruler to eliminate social strife and create an ideal world.  Can you guess how well both experiments are going so far? Their stories intertwine and it makes for a great ride.  I'm now plotting on how to get my hands on Sapphique, the second book.

Up next, Cemetery Dance.  This is evidently one in a sort of series and not the first.  Ugh, I hate picking up in the middle of something.  I picked it up because I like the blurb.  It mixed murder, mystery, and anthropology. Oh, and zombiis and a little bit of hoodoo. It's fast paced, had eccentric characters, and is not lacking in the excitement category.  This is not a book I recommend reading on a dark and stormy night, but I would recommend it.  I think I'm going to have to find some of the previous books to fill in some gaps in my comprehension.  Sorry if I'm misleading - Cemetery Dance really is a stand alone book but part of a series and I think reading the series would enhance my enjoyment of this one.  Oh crap! I should tell you what the book is about.  Bill & Nora are attacked on the evening of their first wedding anniversary and Bill is killed. The attacker is easily identified as their neighbor, Colin Fearing, but the only snafu is that he's been dead two weeks.

I just finished Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison yesterday.  This one is another one is her Hallows series about Rachel Morgan who has a talent for getting into trouble.  It picks up where White Witch, Black Curse left off and just keeps going. Rachel is shunned from the witch community because of her ability of kindle demon magic.  She's offered basically two options. Either be neutered or become a slave of Trent Kalamack.  Rachel chooses option three which is leave me alone and let me live my life.  I enjoyed this one the most of any of the Hollows I've read recently and now I have to find the next book, Pale Demon.

Now I have to decide if I want to read The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan or The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.


I haven't seen any posts/ updates about the newest Sookie book.  What did everyone think about Dead Reckoning?

If you haven't finished or read it at all, you might want to avoid the comments for possible spoilers.