Saturday, March 12, 2011

Harper Connelly Series

This is another series by Charlaine Harris. I loved the Sookie books so much that I pretty much started "author stalking" her and I've downloaded almost all of her stuff to my Kindle already. I'll write more on the others as I get to them, but for right now- let me tell you a little about Harper Connelly.

She's a very different character from Sookie but she's equally lovable in her own way. She has a unique gift that I don't want to dive into here b/c I feel like it's a bit of a spoiler since the books revolve around that. There are no vamps or witches in this one, but her gift is supernatural in nature. I'm very much enjoying these books and I think you guys would too.

They are easy to read. The mysteries aren't blatantly transparent. The characters are very enjoyable and easy to relate to. Check these out!!


  1. are you downloading stuff for free or are you on a book buying spree? ;)

  2. I read the Lily Bard /Shakespeare series last summer while I was author stalking. It was completely un-supernatural. And Lily was a little emotionally stunted (had a hard time expressing relationship feelings) and also had some dark secrets she struggled with. But I liked it.

    I think I'll give Harper Connelly a try.
